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PRODUCT+ 2023 - Marquee Sponsor


Top tier sponsorship includes talk to full audience, maximum brand and on-site exposure in prominent areas


The Marquee Sponsorship is the top tier of sponsorship options at PRODUCT+ 2023. With the Marquee Sponsorship, we will act as your partner to maximize exposure and engagement with a group of 150+ product, innovation, design and development practitioners. This package focuses on face time, featured branding and residual engagement with attendees. Marquee Sponsorship includes:

Featured 10 minute talk and demo to full audience

  • First page branding on all marketing materials, website, conference app, and attendee deliverables

  • Full page insert in attendee handbook

  • Pre-event attendee welcome email, post-event attendee contact list, and featured postings to LinkedIn group

  • 4 attendee passes to each event.  $499 unlimited discount passes

  • Exhibition table in “front and center” location in networking area

We are open to working with you on ways to better customize your on-site experience. Please contact us personally and let us know your needs.